Happy New (Fiscal) Year! Start with Strength
July 12, 2019
Gail Bower in Flourish, Leadership, Strategy, mindset
Now more than ever, no matter what your role is in an organization, prioritizing time to reflect, evaluate, recalibrate, and even let go of activities and priorities is essential. 
The pace of life, along with the sheer quantity of tasks and information, has the great potential to keep us distracted. 

Are you heading in the right direction?

If you don’t stop to reflect and refocus, you could look up one day and find yourself entirely off trajectory, like a rocket hurtling into space off just one degree and bound for a different solar system. 
It will be a costly mistake to undo, causing lost revenue, missed opportunities, and enormous frustration. 
So the good news is, you’re here today, reading this article, and taking time to reflect. Perhaps you just started a new fiscal year. Maybe you’re wrapping one up. Or if you’re on a calendar year, you’ve just launched the second half of your year.
For just the next few minutes, let go of whatever you focused on before you opened this article.
Let’s take a thoughtful look at your organization with no judgment. Consider these questions designed to bring awareness, like shining a flashlight on a dark corner.

Gail Bower’s Guide to a Powerful New Year.

The Sufi poet Rumi wrote one of my favorite concepts: “What matters is how quickly you do what your soul directs.” So let’s start with you.
Review the Last Year 
Strategic goals
Now take a look at your programs and other initiatives.
Audience growth
Use this checklist to evaluate your organization, or even your department, to get focused for the next fiscal year. Next also identify the following:
Be sure to budget for these needs. If you’re not investing in yourself and your organization, how will you face new challenges and move beyond your current position?
Take the time to wrap up the past year and thoughtfully begin anew. As you make new plans or recalibrate to address shortcomings, don’t be afraid to let go of mindsets, plans, strategies, and even programs, products/services, and initiatives that no longer work.
Have a great year.


Article originally appeared on Gail Bower (https://gailbower.com/).
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