Any hidden gems lying around?
August 7, 2017
Gail Bower in Assets & Revenue, Flourish
Years ago I bought these beautiful black strappy sandals for a special occasion. They were sort of expensive and a great quality brand, so they became etched in my mind as my “dressy sandals.” I wanted to take good care of them so I’d always have nice summer sandals for just the right occasion.

They still look great, though the stretchy fabric straps are changing. Entropy is setting in, though at the moment noticeable to no one but me. 

But recently I looked at them and wondered why I don’t just wear them. I love these sandals. They’re comfortable, beautiful, and make me so happy to wear.

What assets do you have lying around that could be dusted off, polished up, and put to good use in a generative, productive way? 

What are you waiting for?

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